The gang decided to head up to the hills and go skiing! They all put on their snow gear and bundled up nice and warm. They put on their snowsuits, hats, mittens, boots, all different colors. Lola was all in pink, very bright and sparkley. Alphonso wore all white, which didn't turn out to be such a great idea. They all lined up for the chair lift patiently and took their turns heading up the mountain. One by one they got to the top and started to ski. It was their first time skiing so they took it easy at first but it didn't take too long before they got the hang of it and went blasting down the hills.
Jed liked the chair lift so much that he just rode up and down on it drinking cappuccino all day, enjoying the scenery. After he was done riding he just went into the lodge and read his cosmo with cappuccino by the fire.
Alphonso went zooming down the hill and wiped out ... everyone looked all over for him. With his white snowsuit he was nearly impossible to see! Finally Pierre saw his skis and the top of his toque sticking up out of the snow and they rescued him. Gustave told Fonso to put on an orange suit instead so he wouldn't get lost again.
Fred's used to the cold weather from driving the zamboni, so he didn't mind it a bit and was a pretty good skier. Jorgé was in a psychedelic colored snowsuit and yelled "groooooovey!!" all the way down the hill.
Gustave surprised everyone. He used a snowboard (obviously ... he can't hold ski poles) and he was awesome! He learned to do tricks from watching the Flying Tomato (Shawn White) and was flipping around all over the half-pipe, doing 360º and 720º flips and spins. Everyone just stood back and watched in amazement.
Upyours was also very skillful at skiing ... he didn't even need any practice runs to get started, just headed for the pro slope and took off.
Al was content to just watch, he's still very tired from all the running he had to do on the commercial last week.
Ned didn't ski very much, he was still working on the correct cookie to milk ratio for Santa and finally got it figured out. He decided that chocolate, chocolate chip with white chocolate chips cookies would be the ideal cookie to leave out for Santa. The others agreed.
After they were all done skiing and snowboarding, they decided to make snow-hedgehogs. They each made a big snowball and used pine needles for the spikes. Fonso just drew his prickly spines on since there weren't any white pine needles for him to use.
When they were all done playing and all tired out they headed inside. They had pasketti and meatballs for dinner. Alphonso had a new biohazard suit to wear to help him keep clean but he didn't risk having sauce, just to be safe.
After dinner they did karaoke. Jed sang "Great balls of fire". Ned did his own variation on Elvis' Houndog song ... "You ain't nothing but a hedgehog". He loves Elvis songs. Lola had to sing in between everyone else, she loves to sing and usually hogs the mike.
When they were done singing they all lined up on the couch sitting side by side with a long scarf draped across all their laps, their little feets all poking up in front. They had hot chocolate with little marshmallows and watched "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" on tv. Ted and Ed were trying to act out the movie while watching it, until the others yelled "down in front!". They badgered Guerrero a bit to see if he'd teach them some ninja fight club moves, but he still says they're not ready.
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